Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa or Jesus. Who will you Celebrate?

As a child, I grew up with normal holiday traditions like most people
I know. We celebrated Easter with the Easter Bunny and Easter Baskets.
Halloween with trick or treat. Christmas with Santa. Now all except
for Halloween, there were always a little Jesus so-called, "sprinkled in."

We went to Church on Easter Sunday, after church it was the Easter egg
hunt. During the Christmas season we celebrated with Santa on
Christmas morning. Opening presents. Maybe before having our picture
taken with him and telling him all that I wanted a Red Rider B.B.
gun..."Just kidding."

One thing that I remember more about these holidays is not what I got
or how we celebrated but the way we did not celebrate. The Christ. It
was as if he was left out. Not the main attraction. When if fact he
was the headliner.

After I got saved, I made it a point to give him the glory on the
holidays. I figured that all that he has done for me. I can give him
what id due. That I would not share him with anyone.

Now for my wife and her family this did not go over to well. They are
a great family. Very close and love to celebrate Christmas like the
Griswold's. All the glitter and Santa and all of his elves too.

As a father I have spoken with my wife about building our own
traditions. Doing things a little different. I don't teach my kids
that there is a Santa or and Easter Bunny. I choose to only buy them
one gift each. Yea, go ahead and say ,"CHEAP" I've head it many times.

I am not a scrooge or Elmer Fudd with a fancy to see a Wabbit with
some Wauce.
I don't know why we teach our kids about these figures and tell them
that they are true. For me, I believe this is lying. If I tell my kids
that Santa is real. Then when they grow up and find out that he is
not. Will they look at me and say, "My dad lied to me." Did he lie to
me about Jesus too?

Celebrating Christmas with all the cheer and fat guy in a big red suit
seems harmless. But so does telling a few lies every now end them. Or
taking that glance at the opposite sex in a un-Godly manner. Or even
say ,"Oh-My G-d" Many see nothing wrong with doing any of these. But
Gods says and is very clear that lying is wrong, and that all liars
will have their part in the lake of fire. Jesus said also that " just
looking" with lust was committing adultery. That saying, "Oh-my G-d"
is blasphemy. God says that he will not hold anyone blameless that
uses his name in vain.

Just because it seems harmless and no wrong in it, does not mean it is

This Christmas who will headline your celebration? Will you kids be
saying ,"Look what Santa brought me?" Something that is sure to fade
or "Look what God sent me?" Something that is sure to save.

Monday, May 21, 2007

My Most Precious Thing

My Most Precious Thing
On Mother’s Day, My wife (Amanda) and three kids (Catherine 3months, Samantha 3 years and David 11 years) I went to my in-laws house to visit and have dinner. They have a pool and while dinner was preparing we were all in the pool enjoying ourselves on such a hot day. My son David who is eleven and all boy has a thing with wrestling with me. I think he just likes beating up on me.
At one point I had the advantage. He was sitting on my shoulders and I was holding his hands so that he had no control. I was repeatedly leaning forward dunking him underwater. I would come up and breathe and take him back down. We were just having a grand old time. Then as I came up and began to go back down, I heard him yell, “Dad, no”! I took him under and when I came up I had let him go and he was holding on to the side of the pool. I had moved to close to the side of the pool when I was dunking him. I had slammed his head on the edge of the pool. I quickly jumped and checked out his head. I picked him up out of the water and laid him in the concrete on the side of the pool. I looked at his head more closely and panicked at what I saw. I had hit the left side of his forehead and there was a bump growing before my eyes.
I had never seen anything like it. I touched it and I could feel the swelling behind his skin. I said a quick prayer and yelled for my wife and to get my father in law. I grabbed him in my arms took him inside and laid him on the floor. I began to pray again for help. We told him to stay awake and remain calm. He was crying and looked so terrible. I held up two fingers and asked him how many was I holding up. He responded with three. My wife and I hurried through the house to get dressed since we were still in our swimwear. We were going to have to take him to the emergency room. My in-laws live about thirty minutes out of town and it was a drive that I would never forget. We had got dressed and put David in the car. My in-laws would watch my girls while we raced to the emergency room. I kept an ice pack on his head and talked to him trying to keep him awake. I still kept praying. I was so scared.

We arrived at the emergency and they took us to the back almost immediate. They did a CAT scan and came back and said he would be fine. Apparently being hard headed paid off. So with a fifty-dollar dose of Tylenol and a house payment sized bill we went to pick up our girls and go home. During this whole ordeal is taking place I cried off and on.
I would look at my son and I thought that I had lost one of my most precious things. I have never been so scared in my life. My son and I have a good relationship, but we do have trouble. He get in trouble frequently at school, Talking mostly. He has this problem with lying and is disrespectful to both my wife and I. But this has never stopped me from loving him any less.
Later that evening when everyone was in bed I had time to reflect on the events of the day. I thought about the prayers that I prayed in the heat of it all. At my most desperate time I need my God more than ever. But I felt as if he did hear me.
You see, I had some issues that I hadn’t dealt with. Most of the time we call it “Sin”. I had a few on my plate that I hadn’t talked with him about. How could I ask him of anything? When I felt so filthy, so to speak. I had slacked in my prayer life and reading my Bible. When I need him the most, I could not call on him.
Then he spoke to my heart. David, Did you not try to help your son when he needed you. Did you have compassion for him? Would you not have taken his place if you could? You son causes you grief. He disobeys you. He lies to you. Takes what does not belong to him. But you still love him. If he calls for you, will you not go? If he is hurting, will you not address his pain? He is your son. And you are mine. You disobey me. You lie; take what does not belong to you. You know what you do. It too grieves me. But I still love you. Trust me. I am always there when you call. If you would only trust me.
I thought that I had lost one of my most precious things that day. I thank God that he is still with me. I love that kid. I thank God for him. I thought that God would not hear me when I cried to him because of my sin. Yes it grieves him. But God used that day to bring me to repentance.
I love to share this story with people. I know that God never abandons us. If we would only trust him and turn from our wicked ways he said he would heal us. God used that day to open my eyes to his awesome mercy and grace. One of my most precious things was almost taken from me, But the most precious thing I have was restored. My relationship with my best friend. My God.

Here is the something more. We all have lied one point in our life. We all have taken something that wasn't ours. If we had done just these two, we have dishonored our Mom or Dad. First and most important we have not put god first in our life. It has nothing to do with being religious. It is about simply trusting Christ. Turning from our ways that displease God. Getting back into that right relationship with God. Check this out. Are you a good person? I thought I was. Check out And take a quick test to see if you you are or if you aren't.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Open air on a Navy War Ship

Here is a testimony of Ps2(SW) Travis M. Birkhead . He is in the United States Navy stationed on the USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN-69) . If you ever tried to share your faith but something always came up or happened. This story with encourage you.

Travis Reads....
I'm in the Military (Navy) and we got underway for deployment on 3 Oct 2007. Well, that was just the beginning of a great adventure. I despised having to leave my pregnant wife behind and go out to the middle of the Ocean for 8 months at a time, but I end this deployment praising God that I was here. At the beginning of the cruise I started writing a book on evangelism because I was convinced the church just needed to be set on fire. I wasn't trying to write a "how to manual" as much as I wanted to just get people involved and let them figure it out as they try. I have been doing street evangelism since i was 16 years old and I had found the Roman road worked fine to lead sinners to Christ. However, I found out from reading Way of the Master exactly why I had so many still borns on my hands.

Well, back to the Navy. I was trying to write this book and a friend of mine happens to be reading "an excellent book" that he recomends that I read too. So, I read it and everything that I wanted to do by setting people on fire was right there in that book. So, I stopped writing my book and started reading more and more of Ray's books. We ordered Season 1 and 2 of the TV series for Way of the Master and watched them. We ordered several tracts and started passing them out and using the Law to bring the conviction of sin. Finally, we started teaching a class in the Chapel on Friday nights for Evangelism. We use the videos from the TV Series as the platform for teaching the class. Well, we (when I say "we", I mean me and the friend that gave me the book) had a strong conviction that we weren't reaching enough people.

There are 6,000 people onboard and we (the entire class) had barely spoken to 600 people in the few months since stating the class. There were just too many people transferring and seperating without hearing the Gospel. Something drastic needed to be done. I got online and ordered Ray's book "springboards for budding preachers /open air preaching" And i enrolled in the online school. When the book got here I realized that it had a DVD counterpart. So, I ordered the DVD (takes a littler over 3 weeks for any shipment to get here and sometimes longer). So, while we are waiting, we are becoming more and more upset about the urgency of how people need to hear the good news. While we are waiting we start devicing our own plans for how to draw a crowd of people. We decided that we would get a guitar and play some music on the mess decks during the evening while eveyrone else is out there playing board games and cards. So, we get together and practice our music and I put together a sermon for preaching. Here is where things start to get exciting because Satan started trying to interfere and God always made the work of Satan a magnificent thing. Allow me to explain.

The night before we go into the messdecks the "G" string of the guitar broke. So, we start to figure out how to improvise. It's not like there is a guitar store out here in the Persian gulf that we can just pull alongside of and buy more strings. So, what did we do? We got another cord (not sure what kind of cord) and just tightened it up until it was in tune with the "G". That same day when the string broke, we had an UNREP (bringing on supplies) so we got a huge shipment of mail. My DVD had arrived and I watched the entire thing in one sitting (all 4 episodes). I was ready and so were the other three guys with me.

The Next day the heat is on and the anticipation is high because none of us have done Open Air preaching yet. The night was upon us and we went to a quiet catwalk to pray. We prayed and then headed to the AFT messdecks. (The aft messdecks is where everyone gathers to play games and hang out). Well, the master-at-arms tells everyone to leave because they are closing the bay for training. WHAT A LET DOWN!!! So, we asked them if the FORWARD messdecks would be open. They said to talk to the Master-at-Arms in the forward mess. So, we walk up there and a Movie is playing in the forward mess, what a huge distraction. We ask the Master at arms if we can play some music and speak for a few minutes. He said, "Yeah, and if you want you can unplug the TV because the movie is about 2 minutes from being over." AWESOME! The difference between the dynamics of the forward mess and the AFT mess is, the people that are in the forward mess are still eating. There is typically eating going on at that time in the forward mess while games are going on in the AFT mess. So, we already have an audience of about 250 people just sitting down eating chow! (Isn't God good). We unplugged the TV and decided to start in the Natural with some music. We had played for our shipmates and right in the middle of the second song one of the Master-at-Arms tells me they are closing the bay in 10 minutes...SO, we stopped singing after that song and I started preaching. Satan obviously didn't want me to preach so he sent a 1st class my way to tell me to shut up and leave. You see, my rank is Second Class Petty Officer and the man that told me to be quiet was a First Class Petty Officer (one rank higher than me). This man had authority over me, but I had the authority of God. So, I said to him, "I'm only here because I care about these people, I'm not mad, but rather I love them." He said, "They are eating and you are distracting them" I replied, "That TV distracts me everyday when I'm eating, but I don't get mad or complain or try to turn off the TV" He didn't care, "You need to stop speaking" So, being in God's authority I told him, "You need to speak with Chaplain Potter because as far as I'm concerned, he said this wouldn't be a problem as long as the Master-At-Arms [those in charge of that space] didn't care. (the Chaplain is an officer and out ranks the first class... I appealed to higher authority). So, this persistent heckler decides to get the crowd involved which was perfect. He said, "No one wants to hear you.

DOES ANYONE WANT TO HEAR HIM SPEAK" A guy sitting close by, "It doesn't matter he has a right to speak" A girl in the back, "LET HIM SPEAK"I didn't know any of these people, but they all wanted me to finish. I had already laid the Law on their hearts and was about to go into the message of the Cross when the 1st class had tried to stop me. Some of these people were convicted of sin and were waiting for the answer, so they spoke up and put that messenger of satan to shame. So, after the entire crowd rejected him, he just walked away embarrased. I didn't have to do anything because he embarrased himself.I finished the gospel and we passed out tracts and spoke with people one on one. After it was all done, I found out that one of the guys in the mess decks went to the food Service Officer (the one guy that would have been able to say leave and I would have had to pack up and leave without another word because of his authority and responsibility over all in charge of the food operations and spaces).But thanks be to God.

My job in the Navy is to do pay. I have done the FSO's pay personally for over a year. He knows me by face and speaks to me all the time always asking about his pay and always satisfied with the service I give to him. The Food Service Officer told the guy to get out of his office and not to talk to him anymore. He said to the guy, "If you have a problem speak to the Master-At-Arms" So, the indignant eater went to one of the many Master-at-Arms and complained. It just happened that the one he went to to complain was a girl in our Evangelism class. She just blew him off! And the rest of the night was a success story.

The message in this story is: Trust in God. Satan tried four times to keep us down; a bad guitar string, mess decks closing down, a hasty 1st class, and an indignant person eating their food. But in it all, the events created a crowd many times larger than what we could have hoped for if we would have followed our plans and without demonic interferance. We hoped to draw a crowd of 20 or 30 people, but we ended up speaking to a crowd of about 250 people. God is good and he works all things for the good of those who love him. Have courage and go preach the Good news.

PS2(SW) Birkhead, Travis M USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN-69)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Another Holocaust?

I often use this springboard when witnessing of how Hitler killed over six million people and we don't even use his name as a word to express discuss. But we use God, who has given of life to do so. I have always been interested in World War II and when I watch the movies I am just fixed on all that is taking place. I love the History Channel and how they have these specials all the time and I saw one just a few days ago. It had to do with the Holocaust.

If someone mentions World War II, most of the time this topic will arise. The Holocaust has always kept my mind working. I have a deep sense of passion about it. How could this happen? Really, How? "Why and How did the world sit by and allow this man to kill six million people?" This is the conclusion that I think is why?

I was watching the History Channel one day about a secret extermination camp that the Nazis had in Poland called Sobibor . This specific camp was run strictly by the SS. It was said that there were only 22 soldiers in the camp with well over 500 prisoners. In the first two months - from early May to the end of June - 100.000 Jews were murdered in Sobibor. Transports arrived by rail, and prisoners were taken immediately toward the gas chambers. But the victims did not know what awaited them until the gas was being pumped into the sealed chambers. T he first transport included 10,000 Jews from Germany and Austria, 6,000 from Theresienstadt, and thousands from Slovakia. Sobibor's gas chambers killed an approximate total of 260,000 Jews. Why I asked.

Read this account given by of of only 47 people ever to enter and leave alive.
Kalmen Wewryk miraculously survived Sobibor and later recalled a certain transport from Holland: "There were too many Jewish children to be "processed" rapidly so they were in a long, steadily shrinking circular line from morning to night. Such beautiful children, gorgeous little blonde girls with pigtails, decently dressed. These poor unfortunates were well-fed, with pretty, round little faces. Their parents must have loved them so, must have lavished such care on them, and now ... Many of them carried small suitcases or bags. It was pitiful, so sad! The SS men were watching over them. Some of the kids were crying. They probably understood. The soil was sandy, so some children made circles in the sand and they played with pebbles and branches. After all, they were only children. Some children's eyes were full of fear - they were wide-eyed with fear. It was a day straight out of hell! And every minute less and less of them, less and less. The line got shorter and shorter. And the children became smoke in those accursed skies ..."

This also was another story I heard as well. There were a train that had just arrived and the women were having there head shaved by Jewish prisoner. One of the survivors said that as he cut this lady's long hair off, she asked him how could he do something like this, To his own people. He stated that he did not reply to her. and said it was out of fear. He was afraid. Do you see it now. Fear. It grips us all. We are afraid to do something about it. In WW II We allowed this to take place for so long. What about today. Another Holocaust is taking place.

150,000 people die each day. They either go to Heaven or Hell. Many today just sit by in their comforts zone and pretend it doesn't exist. Today we can do something. The enemy has lost his power. He has already been defeated. He does not want us to know that. He uses fear as his only weapon against us. Will we sit quietly in the night as he invades our homes and city's or will we put aside our fear and fight.

F.D.R. said, " You have nothing to fear but fear itself." Don't allow this Holocaust to take place, Tell someone about Jesus.
"Tell Them, Tell Them, Tell Them. and then Tell them again!" Read more about Hitlers Death Camp Sobibor...